Mariam Massaro

Mariam Massaro is a visionary creatress and dynamic singer-songwriter, and owner of WiseWays Herbals, an internationally distributed company of natural products for well-being made at Singing Brook Farms in Worthington, MA.
She founded the Singing Bridge Performing Arts Lodge in Cummington where art and music is created in a fabulous river front setting.
Years into her career as an organic herbal farmer, Mariam started The Sacred Earth Medicine Healing Center using Native American tradition ceremonies with native healers from the North and South Americas. Her studies in native traditions have led Mariam around the world and down new paths of creative and healing musical expression. As her passion for singing grew, she developed a unique style of music weaving ancient tribal chanting with a contemporary sound.
In addition to songwriting, Mariam is writer, creator and director of the Gaea Star Crystal story. Mariam is also musical director of the Gaea Star Band, the Blue Star Sisters, and The Gaea Star Goddess Show, a colorful multimedia performance of music on the CD.